Ordo Iuris

Local government Charter of the Rights of the Family

Over recent months there have been attempts at the local government level in order to undermine the rights of families, including the rights of parents and children, as well as legal identity and constitutional position of marriage, which are all guaranteed by the Constitution. The LGBT+ Declaration signed by the Mayor of Warsaw, which contains a range of ideological postulates, which violate standards of ideological impartiality of public authorities, and the announcement of introduction of permissive sexual education in accordance with WHO standards to schools, which raises reasonable doubts in terms of the constitutional principle of children’s protection against demoralisation, have raised the strongest objections. Similar solutions have been already introduced, first and foremost, in Słupsk and Gdańsk to a smaller extent. In October, leaders of the political LGBT movement used Polish schools in order to conduct a propaganda campaign called “Rainbow Friday” for the third time.

Under such circumstances it is necessary to stand for the values stipulated in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, i.e. identity of marriage as a relationship between a woman and a man, family and parenthood (Article 18), the right to protection of family life (Article 47), the right of parents to raise their children in accordance with their own convictions (Article 48 section 1) and the right of a child to protection against demoralisation (Article 72 section 1).
